fact, opinion and poetry (not airy-fairy)

Sunday 19 February 2012

One Passion - but what is it? University baffles pissed old scribbler.

The University of Leicester has adorned every lamppost in University Road with banners carrying adverts for itself. They claim it's in the top 2% worldwide, and is "Elite - not Elitist". This implausible combination of utterances is underscored by the ghastly "One Passion - One Leicester" slogan that the City Council has been plastering the city with for years now. What is this mysterious passion? Is it greed? Lust? Arrogance? We are never told.
      What is the point of advertising the university in its own backyard? Do they think to attract passing trade, like a coffee shop or tobacconist? It is not that sort of business. The ads didn't make me think of popping in to sign up for a quick degree course.
      Does wastefulness qualify as a passion? Perhaps that's it.

Monday 13 February 2012

Babbling at the Bar

Wooden faces glare at me,
With blank eyes;
In Babelas's barmy bar,
Roots spread like snakes, pretending hair.
We sit and chat, but my eye strays,
Held by hypnotic sinister stares.
Three large faces on the wall,
Make seated me feel quite small.
What called the owner to love this?
He seems abrupt, almost to diss.
Coffee dark and strong
To drink it all just takes too long,
Delays the moment when I'm gone.